We have an active adult education program.  We have a professional audio/video system in our sanctuary, where we show theater-quality movies. We bring in professors and other experts, both religious and secular, for lectures and PowerPoint presentations. Our Sisterhood schedules regular group dinners, often connected to holidays, but at least once a month. We're told by synagogue veterans that our publication, Chai-Lights, is equal to (or better than) that of any large synagogue in the country.You can find it on this website. Our Meditation Garden is a precious outdoor jewel of beauty and serenity, with winding brick paths and even a special pergola filled with orchids.

And this is only a taste. There's so much more here. You've never experienced a synagogue like this one. If you are coming to the Keys, please join us for a Shabbat service and Oneg.

Services are held Fridays at 7:30 PM.

Keys Jewish Community Center
Mile Marker 93.1 oceanside
P.O. Box 1332
Tavernier, Key Largo, Florida 33070

To contact us
​Telephone: (305) 852-5235
Email: president@keysjewishcenter.com

Presidents Message

We hold Shabbat services every Friday evening at 7:30 p.m. As a small unaffiliated synagogue, we strive to welcome and incorporate all branches of Judaism. Our services are lay-led, and will vary each week depending upon the leader. We sing the beautiful Hebrew songs, and read the magnificent Hebrew prayers, as well as   reading prayers in English.  It all works, wonderfully. Our services last about an hour, and then we adjourn to our social hall for our legendary onegs. It isn't about just a quick nosh and then leaving. Not here. Our members actually enjoy each other, and will often sit and chat and laugh and try to make sense of life until the coffee runs out.

We offer a full calendar of religious celebrations and observances. On the High Holidays we are joined on the bimah by Cantor Michael Dzubin and led by a member, our scholar emeritus, Rabbi Richard Agler.  Every fall we decorate a gazebo in our Garden as our Sukkah, and celebrate onegs there. Purim here is occasionally a little wacky, just as the rabbis say it should be. In the spring we put on our annual Passover seder. 

Ken Atlas, President

We welcome you to a most unique and engaging synagogue. We are located in southern Key Largo, at Mile Marker 93, ocean side. Our members, from all over North America and occasionally other parts of the world, deeply love what we've created here. Some of our congregants travel as far as fifty miles to attend services. Many maintain their memberships even when they move away, just to stay connected.  At what other shul can you spend a Friday fishing or diving and then go directly to services?

P.O. Box 1332
Tavernier, ​FL 33070

(305) 852-5235